How'd you get your screen name?

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Post by Cheerleader of the Damned »

So it was about 3 am and I was talking to my friend Togle on the phone. This isn't extraordinary since we both work 3rd shift. I don't remember the exact conversation, but I'm sure it was something odd because Togle and I always had unusual conversations. I'm pretty sure it involved someone dying and me using their death for my own personal benefit. To which Togle said, "Well, aren't you just a little cheerleader of the damned!"

I liked it so I kept it.
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Post by scarecrow »


\Scare"crow`\, n. 1. Anything set up to frighten crows or other birds from cornfields; hence, anything terifying without danger.

A scarecrow set to frighten fools away. --Dryden.

2. A person clad in rags and tatters.

No eye hath seen such scarecrows. I'll not march with them through Coventry, that's flat. --Shak.

3. (Zo["o]l.) The black tern. [Prov. Eng.]

been called this for almost ten years now.....
“That proves you are unusual, returned the Scarecrow; and I am convinced the only people worthy of consideration in this world are the unusual ones. For the common folks are like the leaves of a tree, and live and die unnoticed.â€
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Post by Anath »

Anath: Canaanite Goddess, sister (or shadow self) of Astarte. Somewhat moody...
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Post by Imp »

Anath wrote:Anath: Canaanite Goddess, sister (or shadow self) of Astarte. Somewhat moody...

And here I thought it was short for "anathema" ;)
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Post by Anath »

Imp wrote:And here I thought it was short for "anathema" ;)

Works that way too.
see emily play with fire
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Post by Godam Hippie »

Scarecrow gave me the handle--he loves Cartman.

But I don't wear patchouli and I DO bathe and I don't tour with Phish or any of that other neuvo-hippie crap.

I'm more like one of those Dan-Fogelburg hippies cuz I like to go into the woods, hug trees, hang out with Mary J and eat granola bars. And I've been wearing bell bottoms since WAY before the "flare-leg" jeans came into style.

I'm just a Godam why am I on Knox Goth?

hehe my secret evil side. I have a strange and un-hippielike fetish for the macabre. But I still go for the bell bottoms every time. :twisted:
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Post by Mother Mo »

Well, I've been called "Mo" by my closest friends since the early 90's. It was born out of an insult by a not-so-nice person, then adapted by friends into Molissa, and finally shortened to Mo. My real name is Melissa, so it's a much better nick name than Missy... which I hate. (Sounds so disrespectful!)
The "Mother" part is two fold. I've been a mother since I was 17, and anyone who knows me, knows that my personality is very maternal. Also, when choosing a name for the forum, I wanted to convey a nonsexual, unavailable persona. My old man's very paranoid & my libido died years ago, so it fit the bill.
The only other word I ever considered was "Magistra" which the latin, feminine version of "teacher." I taught latin & world mythologies years ago at an alternative high school.
But, most folks just know me as Mo, it's much quicker and easier to say than my real name.
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Post by JaNell »

Now, "The Libidenous Undead" would be a great book title...
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Codeine Coma
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Re:How did you get your SN

Post by Codeine Coma »

I got my screen name from a dream in the year of 1996.I was forming a band at the time,I had a dream that I had a very successful band by the name of Codeine Coma.So I named the project that the next day.Although Codeine Coma never became a successfull band...not yet atleast,I now refer to myself as Codeine Coma.
Last edited by Codeine Coma on Wed Nov 19, 2003 4:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ms.tangledwebs »

anyone remember this thread? I think there are some interesting new names, and I wanna know where they came from.
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Post by Mistress Eve(L) »

I'll take former fetish show dommes for 500 Alex!

Yep it was me Mistress Eve with and L on the end to change meaning.......
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Post by punkrockjoe »

Wow I don't have a cool story at and junkie and buddha were drinking jim beam one night and junkie just sort of cristened me punkrockjoe after we talked for awhile this was like the first time he ever saw me sober...of course it took him like 4 months to acomplish this....I have some long standing friends who cant claim that..anyways I like the name it sounds very generic and stereotypical so it fits with my ideas on image and how punk is viewed....
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Post by TiredUnhappy »

Well....... most people assume my screen name has some personal representation behind it. But for those who've met me or know me...this is not the case.

I made my screen name because of a debate over lyrics in a song. Alot of people said the lyrics were "Tired And Happy" or "Tired And Unhappy" and I always said "no, it's 'Tired-Unhappy'"

Well, they didn't like that, we argued it. Then I just made it my screen name to piss them all off. So my name comes from a stance over a debate in a song. Then the video for the song came out, which scrolled lyrics up the screen backwards....and for those who could said "Tired-Unhappy"... it's been the name I always use on MB ever since then.

uhh yeah, go me *does a little dance* (..except not really..)
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Post by Beelzabetty »

It'a been a while since I've posted here.
Long story short..... My screen name was given to me by a friend of mine at work. I call him Beelzabubba, and he calls me his sister, Beelzabetty.
Yeah... we're just a couple of mean, bitchy people. We wouldn't have it any other way! :twisted:
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Post by ophelia »

I'm a Shakespeare dork.
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Post by gwenhwyfar »

the truly cool people on the planet already know!

...just kidding.

my extremely hard to pronounce/spell handle is actually the title of a rather popular painting/print by none other than, brian froud, from one of his rather popular books "good faeries/bad faeries" i wanted an actual name, because other titles would have been too obvious. and i chose this one because i figured people would remember me better because they didn't know how to fucking say it. so thats it, nothing special, just a froudian geek. actually its a little worse than that. basically brian froud is god to me, and should be to most.

PLUS........i didn't want to use the name i go by everywhere else......that being MagdelenaStar. summing up basically my favorite song( and the fact that i have a major jones for maynard) and a tarot card that i felt described me best, and strangely always came up in my own spreads.

true story
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Post by vicious_blood »

I don't want to reveal my secrets :twisted: , plus I kinda don't remember where it all came from.
I know it started as "Kit Vicious"...
And have recently developed an addiction to anything I dunno. :shrug:
And I always state that when I get really angry I can feel it in my veins...cause I'm psycho like that.
Marquis de Carabas
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Post by Marquis de Carabas »

mine came from Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere from a character that was pointed out to remind people of me. i agree with this. hence, the screen name. Marquis de Carabas is also the name of the master from Puss in Boots.
Last edited by Marquis de Carabas on Thu Nov 20, 2003 3:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
a little bit dodgy in the same way that a rat is a little bit covered in fur
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Post by junkie christ »

punkrockjoe wrote:Wow I don't have a cool story at and junkie and buddha were drinking jim beam one night and junkie just sort of cristened me punkrockjoe after we talked for awhile this was like the first time he ever saw me sober...of course it took him like 4 months to acomplish this....I have some long standing friends who cant claim that..anyways I like the name it sounds very generic and stereotypical so it fits with my ideas on image and how punk is viewed....

damn i love my boy... haahahahhahah
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Post by Clockwork_Golem »

I have no idea how I came about this one but my Yahoo and aim nick(Fiend_of_Anubis) is from my Misfits allegiances and my religious pref.And I can attest to how Junkie got his(Hey Junkie want some tea???)
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