What Legendary Creature are you?

How goth are you? What's your religion? How deviant?
Now we've got a forum for all of those quizzes that you've wanted to post.

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Post by Coor »

<html><center><img src="http://www.rampantgecko.com/paradox/vampire.jpg"><br>
You are a vampire. <br><font size=1>
<a href="http://www.rampantgecko.com/paradox/legendquiz.html">What legend are you?</a>. Take the Legendary Being Quiz by <a href="http://www.livejournal.com/users/girlwithagun">Paradox</a>

Bleh, I knew that was gonna happen :evil:
"It was inappropiate and definatly hott..."
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Post by BroknButterflyWings »

Bleh, I knew that was gonna happen

I'd much rather be a vampire than an angel. Bleh! Unless I'm one of those pretty dark angels
You tossed me down and broke me
Into a million pieces of bleeding porcelain gore.
Forever more... your ..broken glass girl. . -Me
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Codeine Coma
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Post by Codeine Coma »

I was a vampire....Hmm...I figured I would be a Blob,Goop,or another slimy lifeform. [/img]
Yes, I have wished you were dead. You are just another face in the crowd, someone who brings me suffering, someone I truely hate.
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