isnt it funny that these people exist

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if you touched your private parts while reading here
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junkie christ
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isnt it funny that these people exist

Post by junkie christ »

really. i mean the people who just wont let life happen and try to force by reprogramming the binary conflict resolution of soul (ie. starting drama or sticking their nose in other peoples lives).
and the things you need to know about other people they cant tell you NO ONE WILL so the one time these fucking back biters get a chance to do something useful they hide the information like the whereabouts of the holy fucking grail or some shit. why do these fucksticks exist? is it just to piss hardworking free thinking people like me the fuck off? i mean come on man, whats the motivation is sit around and said this person said this to whom or make shit up about person A to look better to person B. or maybe its a biochemical imbalance. since all life requires energy (either the biochemical induced electric pules in the brain sending staggering shockwaves to induce the patterns of mind and body control or a soul or chi or whatever you want to call it) maybe its like these people have a shortened impulse cycle. and since these this said energy exists, it would be controlled like a logic gate right? 1 0. 0 1. binary fuckers come work with me here. on or off. open or closed. firing or recovery. maybe not all their impulses fire right. or maybe they are as stupid in the fucking skull as my typing is horrible. just a thought here and just one of a 1000 different solutions but im looking for deeper meaning than oh its just person A he cant control his mouth person B cant control their sex drive person C is just like that.
ok i get the making shit up to look better but it doesnt make sense to why would do it? why paint a fucking lie of who you are when most people will generally like you for who you are and the ones that dont your not meant to be around.
so why do these fucking people exist in the first place is all they do is fuck up life for the rest of us and in the end, still are no aware of why they do the things they do... fuck
so what do you think causes people to behave in this manner, if you can even find the point in my incoherent ramblings....
why do people fake life instead of make life happen
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Post by AuralFixation »

club people arent real people, they are plastic people made in a labritory in utah
Chris - Seriously what fountain of youth did the other members of Bauhaus find....they haven't aged a day wile Peter Murphy looks all old and haggard.

Jello Biafra - HE DOES NOT LOOK HAGGARD! Don't say that about Peter! Is there another Guinness over there?

Chris - Nope
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Post by Nexxus23 »

I touched myself. And then I peed a little.
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Post by jinx »

Nexxus23 wrote:I touched myself. And then I peed a little.

eternal life is now on my trail.....

Enjoy every minute. There's plenty of time to be dead.
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Post by Nemesis »

I didn't touch myself....:lol:
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Post by DaddyGoth »

i touched myself and then somebody else peed
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Post by DaddyGoth »

why did I just post that? it must be the beer
What kind of shithole planet is this, anyway?!?!
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Post by junkie christ »

DaddyGoth wrote:why did I just post that? it must be the beer

its always thanks to beer..........
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Post by spookwhore »

I think these people you are talking about are just products of a society that NO ONE can ever truly fit into. Instead of trying to achieve what I believe to be impossible, the next best thing is to make what we have done to look better in comparison to someone elses failures. If these failures do not exist, or are not so drastic of failure & short-comings to make ourselves look better, than we invent. The human mind was meant to create, but unfortunately some of these human minds cannot create anything constructive so they must invent the destructive. Everyone is synthetic in oneway or another. Most of us here even. While we may believe in our own ideals & "culture", we display this by dyeing our hair, wearing deviant clothing, through piercings & tattoos ect... While this may be "us", it is still not us, because we must create ourselves. One never finds himself, he creates himself. So do these people, only they do not create themselves, but rather create parts of everyone else. truly I agree with you Junkie Christ, that they need to die, but we would have to annihilate the planet...

But the real question is, Did anyone touch someoneelse, BECAUSE they peed? Which brings me to my next point...
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Post by iblis »

The fucksticks, as you so succinctly put it, exist to be fucksticks. That, and to be human shields if you ever need one.

Oh, and occasionally they're on the planet simply to give us yet one more Reason to Drink™.

Handy, that.
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Post by junkie christ »

i think they are some kind of punishment left over from the garden of eden retribution....
maybe some other great evil atonement. they arent really people, they are just babies that died in utero and came out like that, filled with the curse...
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Post by briarus »

second-hand smoke? or...
"people"(i use the term loosely) are asshples....i ment assholes but i'm leaving the word because everytime i look at it, it reads differently (asspiles) (asspoles) (assapples) (ashpiles) and that about does it for me (passes out on floor)
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Post by Nexxus23 »

*Nexxus23 mumbles to herself... "Assapples..."

Assapples is my new favorite word!! :D
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Post by pryjmaty »

Cockgobbler is mine.
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Post by spookwhore »

Best insult word of all time: FATTY
(especially if they are anorexic, a heroin junkie, or goth.)
2nd best: Gentile (Only works in the Bible Belt.)

Best word of all time: Caneabra
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Post by junkie christ »

LadyIvanna wrote:Cockgobbler is mine.

one of my favorite words.
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Post by AuralFixation »

ive got a realy big boner right now
Chris - Seriously what fountain of youth did the other members of Bauhaus find....they haven't aged a day wile Peter Murphy looks all old and haggard.

Jello Biafra - HE DOES NOT LOOK HAGGARD! Don't say that about Peter! Is there another Guinness over there?

Chris - Nope
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Post by junkie christ »

AuralFixation wrote:ive got a realy big boner right now

told you about snorting viagra..........
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Post by spookwhore »

briarus wrote:second-hand smoke? or...
"people"(i use the term loosely) are asshples....i ment assholes but i'm leaving the word because everytime i look at it, it reads differently (asspiles) (asspoles) (assapples) (ashpiles) and that about does it for me (passes out on floor)

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Post by vicious_blood »

:twisted: Hi. This is Kit's best friend Willow. She probably won't appreciate that I'm posting under her name, but, that's life. Ok, just thought I'd say hi. I took the poll. And don't really understand it. Bye!!!

~Willow [[hiding from Kit]]
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