It contintues to get even stranger...
"Speaking of women with distracting hair … Mirage hotel owner and Siegfried and Roy buddy Steve Wynn says the tiger who mauled Roy Horn the other night was just trying to protect his trainer from a woman with an alarming (to the tiger) hairdo seated in the front row. Or maybe Roy was trying to protect the woman from the tiger. In any event, Wynn says the tiger became distracted by the woman’s whopping ‘do and put his face a few inches from hers. The big-haired gal, thinking the tiger’s attention was part of the show, then reached out to pet him, prompting Roy to step between the furry tiger and his hairy tormentor. Then, to indicate his mild displeasure, "the tiger gently reached up and grabbed Roy's right arm with his jaws between Roy's elbow and wrist in a very gentle way." Gently, Roy stumbled and fell, at which point the gentle stagehands emerged from the wings to try to subdue the tiger. In the mayhem that followed, the tiger gently scooped up Horn like a cub by the scruff of his neck and carried him offstage with perfect blocking -- gently severing Horn’s vertebral artery in the process with his gentle, but razor sharp teeth"
This has been a very strange year....
gentle even.