gwenhwyfar wrote:i guess my definition of "decent" would be:
*single, without wife or girlfriend
*under the age of 30
*likes a wide variety of music
*likes most animals( i have 2 small dogs)
*not dillusional/crazy( one of my ex's truly believed that i was such a slut that i couldn't even go to walmart to buy tampons without fucking all the cashiers)
*doesn't want to spend ALL his time with me, i do need my own space
*i'm not THAT anal about looks, but if they look like a baboon's ass, i will run the other way
*couteous, to my friends and family, open a door for me once in a while, don't talk down to me, ask before you try to stick it in my ass, etc.
*have their own job, car, and home
*and finally, know what the fuck they want, don't toy with me or string me along, either you want me or you don't
is this really too much to ask for?
It's not too much to ask for. My only problem with your list is the under 30 part. I'm 31, but I think I fit all of your other descriptions, just ask everyone else.