Angry White Boy Polka

forum for those that like conversation so mindless that their braincells pop like a confetti bomb at a strippers birthday party

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Angry White Boy Polka

Post by iblis »

A flash video incorporating the song by the same name.

If carpenters made buildings the way programmers make programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy all of civilization. — Anonymous
Lost Traveler
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Post by Lost Traveler »

wow loooong. Wasnt that your old avatar in there?
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..The men in black, thier lips are sealed...-BOC
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Post by gwenhwyfar »

the oompa loompas were the best part
'some men wouldn't know a good thing when they found it, even if it sat on their face!'
'every time i orgasm, a faery gets her wings.'
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Codeine Coma
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Post by Codeine Coma »

Weird Al is still alive???? *GASP*
And he still rocks more than the original artists?This isn't right.
Why is he not the California governor???? :roofle:
Yes, I have wished you were dead. You are just another face in the crowd, someone who brings me suffering, someone I truely hate.
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