Ghost or spirit: You are a lost soul. Very calm and sweet, you are often the one who asks: What if? With a clever mind, you want to explore the world on a different level. Without the answers, you aren't ready to move on. You are most likely very creative and find yourself thinking things through on a different level.
Reincarnation: You are nice enough to go to heaven, but Earth won't be as fun without you. As a real optimist and lighthearted person, you always see the good in things. People probably respect you for your wonderful personality and love for life. People like you make the world a happier place.
Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together.
Reincarnation: You are nice enough to go to heaven, but Earth won't be as fun without you. As a real optimist and lighthearted person, you always see the good in things. People probably respect you for your wonderful personality and love for life. People like you make the world a happier place (please rate my quiz)
Yes, I have wished you were dead. You are just another face in the crowd, someone who brings me suffering, someone I truely hate.
Hell: You are most likely not an evil or bad person, but are quite troubled at the moment. Something is probably bothering you intensly. With so much emotion bottled up, Hell will let you release your anger.
Where Will You Go When You Die?
I hate that saying: "You can't have your cake and eat it too."
Because what's the point of having cake when you aren't able to savour and enjoy every tastey morsel it has to offer you.....
You are nice enough to go to heaven, but Earth won't be as fun without you. As a real optimist and lighthearted person, you always see the good in things. People probably respect you for your wonderful personality and love for life. People like you make the world a happier place
Hell: You are most likely not an evil or bad person, but are quite troubled at the moment. Something is probably bothering you intensly. With so much emotion bottled up, Hell will let you release your anger.
"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity."--Dorothy Parker