You have a point that I can agree with for once. Karma and the bad shit that happens to us can and often is the same thing, It just depends on how you handle it. If you are late for work and you get yelled at, that is one thing but to get pissed off because you got yelled at and go home to beat your wife or cuss out your waiter or pull out a shotgun in traffic then that is something completly differant.
Because their selfish & coldhearted. And they loathe themselves so much, because they KNOW they suck, that they think it will make them feel better to make everyone else miserable. So you know what you do? Simply cut them off. Erase them from your mind & go on about your dark, morbid little way. Or just be nice as hell to them. For example, when someone flips me off, I smile & wave or laugh at them! OR ... maybe it's just all the damn inbreeding! Then again, it could be something in the air. Like a fucking disease! It's the damn Moronic Plague!
Why don't you go outside & play Hide-&-Go-Fuck-Yourself?
People suck, because they are sheep and are too bothered with bullshit, that they can't see what's in front of them. AKA they need a good kick in the ass.
Just bc people are all stupid, doesn;t mean you can't learn from them to further your personal development. I know that most (at least 98%) people are less intelligent than I, and so I blow them off as having nothing to teach me, and this is what makes me stupid.