You saw just ONE person showing their boobies a lot??? Hehe.
Swlly Wibby. Coorbaby wubs Willby!
Also it was good to talk to Ivanna. Finally we know that we met. <giggles>
Oni- Great to meet you. Thanks for the film talk.
I also met tons of other people. I made my first post like 5 minutes after I woke up. Trance, Aerik, CD, Ronnie, and many others that I can't remember. Also, nice to see JaNell, or was it Jazilla? heh. Great to see all the usual people. Also, nice to meet the MySpace crew
For those who told me to study, and I tried when I went to my car I aced both of my finals. The one I was worried about took me all of 6 minutes to do.