Your Results:
Anxiety Disorder
Diagnosis: General Anxiety Disorder. Excessive anxiety or worry occurring more days than not over a significant period of time. These worries can be associated with a number of events or activities. In addition, the individual finds it difficult to control the worry. Can be marked by physical signs of tension, hyperactivity, and lack of ability to respond in a positive or productive manner to problems or difficulties as they arise.
yah! the dorkiest of all disorders.
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (You scored 0)
Antisocial Personality Disorder (You scored 0)
Anxiety Disorder (You scored 1)
Autism (You scored 1)
Bipolar Disorder (You scored 0)
Dependent Personality Disorder (You scored 0)
Depressive Personality Disorder (You scored 1)
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (You scored 0)
Paranoid Personality Disorder (You scored 0)
Accute Stress/Post traumatic Stress disorder (You scored 0)
Schitzophrenia (You scored 0)
Social Anxiety Disorder (You scored 0)
Schizoid Personality Disorder (You scored 1)
Oh I see it just picked one.
Fashion is FOR Victims...-LT.
..The men in black, thier lips are sealed...-BOC
- Even your sins are retail- John Stewart