Dark Lotus wrote:Fuck yeah!!! 94.3 sucks!!!! I know I use to work there. Radio station DJ's are the lowest forms of life on the planet. They take bribes from record lables. Lable sends more CD's, T-shirts, plasma TV's, card tables, autographed gituars, checks$$$, band gets more spins on station. Sometimes these are use as prizes sometimes they end up at program directors houses. With the exceptions of your Metallicas, Tools, and like, they have $PAID$ their dues corporate machines. That goes on every where not just in little market 72 Knoxville. 90% percent of the time you hear a new song on the radio some one just got paid and you thought the commericals paid all the bills. Crank as a person, I couldn't tell you I work with the guy for what 8 months and never really knew him. But think about this because of what he said your on knoxgothic message board talking about him. He acomplished his goal he got you talking about him and his shitty station. Sorry about all the random bashing of corporate radio at the begining. I don't like the radio because they have no clue what is good.
Honestly...You & Tixey are the only ones that I've meet, that I can stand... I would like for there to be a hour or so dedicated to 'Underground' music...Much like South-east Exports....Then atleast there would be something worth listening to....
The only dj that I have met that I've just been "all about" was Sarah (formerly Ripley on the now-defunct 98.7 The X). I adored that woman...used to call her The Goddess Ripley and to this day, when I see her, I still mention it. There are others that I've met that are cool too but more were asses.
Everything tastes better when the novacaine sets in.
vicious_blood wrote:So B_Ko are you a dude? I can't remember if I ever established that or not...anyways, so if you are a dude and have sex with dudes, that totally kicks ass. And I think I get what you are saying.
Yes, i am adude, and i do have sex with other dudes. And yes that does kick ass.
Plus, Billy Joe Armstrong is bisexual...so maybe Crank meant something along those lines, too.
vicious_blood wrote:So B_Ko are you a dude? I can't remember if I ever established that or not...anyways, so if you are a dude and have sex with dudes, that totally kicks ass. And I think I get what you are saying.
Yes, i am adude, and i do have sex with other dudes. And yes that does kick ass.
Plus, Billy Joe Armstrong is bisexual...so maybe Crank meant something along those lines, too.
But this kicks even more ass.
Yeah, you didn't know he was?
Are you the one that's only 17? Cause dammit. I could so hook you up with my friend.
94.3 nearly gets me physically ill anymore. The amount of bullshit posturing about how EXTREME they are just rubs me the wrong way. Years ago, they had great PR stunts, such as melting T-shirts out of ice anyway possible.
I remember when Anthrax came to BlueCats, and 94.3 was all over it. Have you ever heard Anthrax on 94.3? Can you say... hyprocipsy?
So, instead of subjecting myself to the meglomania of a coorporate dumping ground, I have become stuck on 91.9 and 90.3. NPR has the best news, IMHO, and 90.3 has a wide, but bizarre, music variety.
I can't tolerate my FM dial at all anymore. I listen to AM 990 most of the time, either to laugh at Neal Bortz, argue with Rush Limbaugh rhetorically, or listen to Sports Talk. Or on the drive home, remind myself why Bill O'Reily is the worst thing to happen to conservative media.
Once I have a few dollars set back, I'm going XM. The programming is fantastic and the channel selection is amazing. Between that and WinMX/iTunes at home, FM radio is dead to me.