Missile Defense System

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Don't click the iblis link!!!!
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Missile Defense System

Post by iblis »

I have a feeling that if Dubya gets his however many billion dollars for his prized missile defense system, it's going to look something like this:

Code: Select all

use warnings;
use strict;
use Tk;

# by zentara of perlmonks 
# Up and Down Arrows  adjust firing power at battery expense.   
# Left and Right keys rotate turret.   
# Spacebar fires. 
# 's' key turns sound on/off
# If one warhead hits the ground, it's over.   
# Ammo is limited to 500 
# There are 100 incoming missles possible.   
# Batteries are recharged by Solar Panels. 
# Kludged a way to rotate, Tk::Zinc would be better 
#  to do this. 
# this  Mach1 version adds radar-fire-control 
# which can be used for pause 
# fixed bug where shells didn't explode with target

my $mw = MainWindow->new(-bg=>'black');

my $height = 400;
my $width  = 600;

# first create a canvas widget 
my $canvas = $mw->Canvas(
    -height => $height,
    -width  => $width,
    -bg     => 'black',

my $turret = $canvas->createOval(
    $width / 2 - 50, $height - 50, $width / 2 + 50, $height + 50,
    -fill   => 'steelblue',
    -tags => ['turret']

my $px0 = $width/2;
my $py0 = $height;
my $px = $width/2;
my $py = $height-65;
my $px_new = $px;
my $py_new = $py;

my $angle = 1.57; # pi divided by 2, 90 degrees in radians 
my $power = 50;
my $status = '  Ready  ';

my %projectile;
my %missle;
my $launcher;
my @ammo = (1..15);   #reusable object array for projectiles 
my $bat_level = 100;
my $ammo_tot = 500;
my $missles_max = 100;
my @missles = (1..20); #reusable object array for missles, max in play 
my $hits = 0;
my %radar;  #radar variables 
$radar{'on'} = 0;
$radar{'multifirelock_set'} = 0;
$radar{'angle'} = $angle;
my $sound = 1;  #computer beep on,'s' key controls on/off

my $cannon = $canvas->createLine(
    -width      => 10,
    -fill       => 'lightblue',
    -tags => ['cannon'],

$canvas->lower('cannon', 'turret');

#1 degree in rads is pi divided by 180 = .01745 
$mw->bind('<Left>',sub{ &rotate(.01745) });
$mw->bind('<Right>',sub{ &rotate(-.01745) });
$mw->bind('<Up>',sub{ &power(10) });
$mw->bind('<Down>',sub{ &power(-10) });
$mw->bind('<space>', sub{ &fire}  );
$mw->bind('<s>',sub{ if($sound == 1){$sound = 0}
                      else{$sound = 1}

my $frame = $mw->Frame(-background =>'grey45')->pack(-fill=>'x');
my $frame1 = $mw->Frame(-background =>'grey45')->pack(-fill=>'x');

$frame->Label(-text =>'Power ',
                         -bg => 'grey45',
                         -fg => 'green',
                         -borderwidth => 0)->pack(-side=>'left');

$frame->Label(-textvariable => \$power,
                         -bg => 'grey45',
                         -fg => 'green',
                         -width => 3,
                         -borderwidth => 0)->pack(-side=>'left');

$frame->Label(-text => '   ',
               -bg => 'grey45',
             -borderwidth => 0)->pack(-side=>'left');

$frame->Label(-textvariable => \$status,
                         -bg => 'grey45',
                         -fg => 'yellow',
                         -width => 15,
                         -borderwidth => 0)->pack(-side=>'left');
$frame->Label(-text => '   ',
               -bg => 'grey45',
             -borderwidth => 0)->pack(-side=>'left');

$frame->Label(-text =>'Battery Level ',
                         -bg => 'grey45',
                         -fg => 'lightblue',
                         -borderwidth => 0)->pack(-side=>'left');

$frame->Label(-textvariable => \$bat_level,
                         -bg => 'grey45',
                         -fg => 'lightblue',
                         -width =>4,
                         -borderwidth => 0)->pack(-side=>'left');

$frame->Label(-text => '   ',
               -bg => 'grey45',
             -borderwidth => 0)->pack(-side=>'left');

$frame->Label(-text =>'Ammo Supply ',
                         -bg => 'grey45',
                         -fg => 'red',
                         -borderwidth => 0)->pack(-side=>'left');

$frame->Label(-textvariable => \$ammo_tot,
                         -bg => 'grey45',
                         -fg => 'red',
                         -width => 3,
                         -borderwidth => 0)->pack(-side=>'left');

$frame->Label(-text => '   ',
               -bg => 'grey45',
             -borderwidth => 0)->pack(-side=>'left');

$frame->Label(-text =>'Hits ',
                         -bg => 'grey45',
                         -fg => 'orange',
                         -borderwidth => 0)->pack(-side=>'left');

$frame->Label(-textvariable => \$hits,
                         -bg => 'grey45',
                         -fg => 'orange',
                         -width => 3,
                         -borderwidth => 0)->pack(-side=>'left');

    -text    => 'Exit',
    -command => sub{ exit },
    -highlightbackground =>'blue',
)->pack(-side=>'right',-padx => 3);

my $startbut;
$startbut = $frame1->Button(
       -text    => 'New Game',
       -command => sub{
                 &launch  },
      -highlightbackground =>'blue',

my $radarbut= $frame1->Button(
       -text    => 'Radar-auto-fire',
       -activebackground => 'lightyellow',
       -highlightbackground =>'blue',
       -command => sub{ &radar  },

my $solar_panel = Tk::After->new($canvas,1000,'repeat',
        sub {
        $bat_level = sprintf "%.1f", $bat_level;

        if($bat_level > 100){ $bat_level = 100 }

sub launch{
  if($radar{'on'}){ $mw->bind('<space>', sub{ } )
   }else{ $mw->bind('<space>', sub{ &fire}  ) }

 $status = 'Ready';

 $launcher = Tk::After->new($canvas,1000,'repeat',
      sub {
          my $rand = int(rand(100));
          if( $rand > 70 ){ #launch 


              if($missles_max == 0){
                 print chr(07) if $sound;
                 $status = 'You Win';
             my $misl = shift @missles;
             my $mx = int(rand $width);
             my $my = -20;

             $missle{$misl}{'warhead'} =
                     -fill => 'yellow',
                     -tags =>['warhead'],

            my ($dx,$dy);
              $dx =  0;
              $dy = .8;

     $missle{$misl}{'repeater'} = Tk::After->new($canvas,10,'repeat',
        sub {
        $canvas->move($missle{$misl}{'warhead'}, $dx,$dy);
        my ($x,$y,$x1,$y1) = $canvas->bbox($missle{$misl}{'warhead'});
         my @overlap = $canvas->find( 'overlapping', $x,$y,$x1,$y1 );

            if(scalar @overlap > 1){
                my $des_angle = $radar{'angle'};

                if($des_angle < 1){$des_angle -= .05}  #leading fire 
                if($des_angle > 2){$des_angle += .05}

                my @tags = map{$canvas->gettags($_)} @overlap;
                    if( grep /shell/, @tags)
                        $missle{$misl} = ();
                        push @missles, $misl;
                         #cleanup shells         
                           my (@shells) = grep /\d+/, @tags;
                            foreach my $num(@shells)
                             $projectile{$num} = ();
                             push @ammo, $num;
                         #radar contact 
                        print chr(07) if $sound;
           if($y > $height + 10) {
             $missle{$misl} = ();
             push @missles, $misl;
             print chr(07) if $sound;
                 $status = 'Uh Oh Boom';



sub fire{

return if( $radar{'multifirelock_set'} == 1); #splatter fire prevention 

if((scalar @ammo == 0)||
    ($ammo_tot < 0)||
     ($bat_level < 0)) {
        print chr(07) if $sound;
        $status = 'Gun Jambed';

my $num = shift @ammo;

$projectile{$num}{'shell'} =
              -fill => 'pink',
              -tags=> ['shell', $num],

$bat_level -= 1.5;
$bat_level = sprintf "%.1f",$bat_level;

my ($dx,$dy);
if($px_new == $px0){ $dy = -$power/10 ; $dx = 0}
   else{  $dx = cos($angle) * $power/10;
          $dy = -sin($angle)* $power/10;

$projectile{$num}{'repeater'} = Tk::After->new($canvas,10,'repeat',
        sub {$canvas->move($projectile{$num}{'shell'}, $dx,$dy);
              my ($x,$y) = $canvas->bbox($projectile{$num}{'shell'});

           if($y > $height + 10 || $y < -10 || $x < -10 || $x > $width +10) {
             $projectile{$num} = ();
             push @ammo, $num;
             $status = 'Ready';

if( $radar{'on'}){      #prevent excessive splatter firing 
  $radar{'multifirelock_set'} = 1;
        $radar{'multifirelock_set'} = 0;

sub power{
my $pow = shift;
$power += $pow;
if($power < 10){$power = 10}
if($power > 100){$power = 100}
sub rotate{
 my $change = shift;

 $angle += 5*$change;  #more action for manual key control 

 if( $radar{'on'} ){ $angle = $change}

 if( $angle > 3.1 ){$angle = 3.1;return}
 if( $angle < .1 ){$angle = .1;return}
 $angle = sprintf "%.4f",$angle;
#  print "$angle\t"; 

$py_new = $height - sin($angle)*65;
$px_new = ($width/2) + ( cos($angle)*65);

$cannon = ();
$cannon = $canvas->createLine(
    -width      => 10,
    -fill       => 'lightblue',
    -tags => ['cannon'],

$canvas->lower('cannon', 'turret');
sub radar{

   if($radar{'on'} == 0){
        $radarbut->configure(-bg => 'lightyellow');
        $radar{'on'} = 1;
        $radarbut->configure(-bg => 'lightgrey',);
        $radar{'on'} = 0;

if($radar{'on'} == 1){
  $power = 100;
  $mw->bind('<space>', sub{ }  );
  $radar{'angle'} = 1.571; #90 degrees   
  $radar{'line'} =  $canvas->createLine(
                 -width      => 1,
                 -fill       => 'lightgrey',
                 -dash   =>  [2,4],
                 -tags => ['radar'],

$canvas->lower('radar', 'cannon');

$radar{'multifirelock_set'} = 0;

$radar{'repeater'} = Tk::After->new($canvas,10,'repeat',
          sub {
           $radar{'line'} = ();
           $radar{'angle'} += .01745;
           if($radar{'angle'} > 3.1415){ $radar{'angle'} = 0 }
           $radar{'line'} = $canvas->createLine(
                $px0, $py0,
                $width/2 + $height*cos($radar{'angle'}),
                $height - $height*sin($radar{'angle'}),
               -width      => 1,
               -fill       => 'lightgrey',
               -dash   =>  [2,4],
               -tags => ['radar'],
            $canvas->lower('radar', 'cannon');

if($radar{'on'} == 0){
     $mw->bind('<space>', sub{ &fire }  );
     $radar{'multifirelock_set'} = 0;
     $radar{'line'} = ();


sub restart{

$mw->bind('<space>', sub{ }  );

my $wait;
$wait = Tk::After->new($canvas,10,'repeat',
        sub {
          if(scalar @missles == 20){
            $bat_level = 100;
            $ammo_tot = 500;
            $missles_max = 100;
            $hits = 0;
            $startbut->configure(-state =>'normal');

(Copied line for line from zentara on perlmonks. Original post is available here, source code is mirrored here. I repeat, I did not write this code.)
If carpenters made buildings the way programmers make programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy all of civilization. — Anonymous
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Post by CryptMonger »


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Post by Alur006 »

If he did that, I'd be a shoe in for the job to run the thing. Nothing would get by me. NOTHING.
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Don't click the iblis link!!!!
Posts: 4866
Joined: Wed Feb 19, 2003 7:19 pm

Post by iblis »

Alur006 wrote:If he did that, I'd be a shoe in for the job to run the thing. Nothing would get by me. NOTHING.

It's even more fun if you mod the code to make the "radar beam" faster.

If carpenters made buildings the way programmers make programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy all of civilization. — Anonymous
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