I'm a 28 year old male currently residing in the Tampa Bay area of Florida, bracing my balls for another tropical storm. I may be moving to the Knoxville area within a year to be closer to family and also to attend U of T. I've visited up there a couple times and to my suprise I kind of liked it, so the experience shouldn't be too terrible.
Anyways my interests are in my profile, as well as myspace account info. I'll post pictures when I can/feel like it. I would describe myself as having a somewhat dark and cynical outlook on life, but I don't know if I qualify as a goth. And I dont care! I love goth nightclubs, and that's primarily why I joined, so I could meet new people to hang out with in my new town. I am also intensely interested in paranormal studies, and I'm sure this area has some great "haunted" sites to visit.
So there's me. If you want to add me to a myspace or a messenger, feel free.