Some of my poetry
Moderator: Celestial Dung
Some of my poetry
Seeing as I run several message boards myself I do not see the need to clutter up another messageboard with many posts of my poetry, so with that in mind I thought I would leave here some of my poetry, all in replies to this one post so that you may read it without having to click through many posts of my poetry. They will all be right here.. So with that in mind grab a cup of coffee, and let me make a fool of myself, for your pleasure.. read on.
Tattered Images Aka Twilight
I stood today for the first time on the edge of the star, and I looked out upon the world, what it had become, and I cried. I cried for the injustice, plaguing the weak, the lack of shelter and food plaguing the homeless and hungry. Alligator tears for the Rich man, who never saw what hit, him. One day he sat enjoying his billions and the next it was gone, Gone, he was nothing. He burned in an eternal pit, a fire that scorched his very soul.. But what did he care, in hell, he was still rich right?
I stepped off my star, hoping to find fields to walk in, green like they had once been, but instead I found muck, and mud, trash and disease, excriment all around. What have they done to this world? I wonder if they even realize, the pain they cause the elements.
I stepped off my star today, in hopes that all the world really had not gotten this bad, but it has. There is nothing left I would assume, for a fairy such as I, there is nothing for me to groom, and alas I cry.
I stepped off my star today, hoping to save the world, but I realized once I spent an hour here, they did not desire to be saved, they only wanted to fall deeper and deeper into the oblivion that is mankind. They wanted to suck the marrow out of all that was good and prue, they want to destroy even the slightest hint of happiness, and replace such things with money.
I stepped off my star today, and fell into the darkest abyss, I have ever seen. That abyss had a name. They called it.. Earth.
I stepped off my star, hoping to find fields to walk in, green like they had once been, but instead I found muck, and mud, trash and disease, excriment all around. What have they done to this world? I wonder if they even realize, the pain they cause the elements.
I stepped off my star today, in hopes that all the world really had not gotten this bad, but it has. There is nothing left I would assume, for a fairy such as I, there is nothing for me to groom, and alas I cry.
I stepped off my star today, hoping to save the world, but I realized once I spent an hour here, they did not desire to be saved, they only wanted to fall deeper and deeper into the oblivion that is mankind. They wanted to suck the marrow out of all that was good and prue, they want to destroy even the slightest hint of happiness, and replace such things with money.
I stepped off my star today, and fell into the darkest abyss, I have ever seen. That abyss had a name. They called it.. Earth.
The Collector
I collect oddities
varied and rare
proof within life
we neglect care
I've traveled the world over
far and wide
to find a piece of misfortune
lifelessley washed upon the tide
then came misery in a strange place
I found it while looking on a homeless childs face
and without thinking, I walked through their pain
hence another oddity, did I gain.
Heartache was left, both humble and brave
but find her I did, deep in the grave.
Death be left, my right by dieing
My collection's now yours
but who will be crying
(note: I wrote this poem, with the help of my good friend Cathy Ledbetter)
varied and rare
proof within life
we neglect care
I've traveled the world over
far and wide
to find a piece of misfortune
lifelessley washed upon the tide
then came misery in a strange place
I found it while looking on a homeless childs face
and without thinking, I walked through their pain
hence another oddity, did I gain.
Heartache was left, both humble and brave
but find her I did, deep in the grave.
Death be left, my right by dieing
My collection's now yours
but who will be crying
(note: I wrote this poem, with the help of my good friend Cathy Ledbetter)
shattered reflections
Shattered Reflections of time and space,
Reality warped by fear.
Never knowing who to trust,
Never trusting what you hear.
This is the life, given to some.
a life I've learned to live.
I wonder sometimes what is left,
what more I have to give.
Shattered reflections, pain and scars,
crowd my fragile mind.
Others look at me with disdain.
to my troubles they are blind.
Echoes fast, falling faster,
Time gives way to naught.
I harbor inside me, reflections
of all the pain I brought.
Life and death, one in the same.
Both caring for a bit.
Then they both give way to more.
Sometimes they both quit.
You have reflections, of life gone by
and times you knew were gone.
Everything you should have done,'
Everything you should have known.
What can one do, to restrain
To stop the never ending death.
To hold on, for one more hour.
to thier final breath?
Vanity of Vanities,
All is lost they say.
Yet I have learned to know
I can not live that way.
I go on, I fight I must.
I never will give in.
Never knowing who to trust,
I will some how win.
I stand alone, myself and I,
looking out at what I've done.
And turn my back, to the past
I must leave it alone.
No longer a child, a man now.
I grow old and frail.
It's better to burn out, I say.
in lifes windy Gale.
Shattered reflections, a past messed up,
what more is there to say.
I learned a valuable lesson there.
and went my humble way.
Reality warped by fear.
Never knowing who to trust,
Never trusting what you hear.
This is the life, given to some.
a life I've learned to live.
I wonder sometimes what is left,
what more I have to give.
Shattered reflections, pain and scars,
crowd my fragile mind.
Others look at me with disdain.
to my troubles they are blind.
Echoes fast, falling faster,
Time gives way to naught.
I harbor inside me, reflections
of all the pain I brought.
Life and death, one in the same.
Both caring for a bit.
Then they both give way to more.
Sometimes they both quit.
You have reflections, of life gone by
and times you knew were gone.
Everything you should have done,'
Everything you should have known.
What can one do, to restrain
To stop the never ending death.
To hold on, for one more hour.
to thier final breath?
Vanity of Vanities,
All is lost they say.
Yet I have learned to know
I can not live that way.
I go on, I fight I must.
I never will give in.
Never knowing who to trust,
I will some how win.
I stand alone, myself and I,
looking out at what I've done.
And turn my back, to the past
I must leave it alone.
No longer a child, a man now.
I grow old and frail.
It's better to burn out, I say.
in lifes windy Gale.
Shattered reflections, a past messed up,
what more is there to say.
I learned a valuable lesson there.
and went my humble way.
shattered Dreams
Shattered Dreams, Endless Lies
Battling, bartering, Fearless cries.
Time fades, new dawn breaks
life and death collide.
Everything is fake
and from it all I hide.
Deaths dealer at my door
more afraid than not.
Life is just a whore,
bound in tepid rot.
Deep inside the caverns gloom
the angels do not reach
My life no more in Bloom
I've nothing left to teach.
Dieing inside, more each day
Cry havoc on the wind.
Help me God, Oh lord I pray
this humble life to mend.
Stars die out, Suns fade
and all in tune we float.
In this lifes parade
a grounded sinking boat.
Have faith in those you love
Have faith in those you hate.
Have faith in God above.
Have faith, in your lifes mate.
The Winter of life, comes ever near
The sun will soon go down.
When that time comes, will it be you
who dies wearing a frown?
I say again,
What I said before.
Death is nothing,
but a waiting door.
Time draws closer, times is up.
We all know what to do.
Know in your heart of hearts
I always loved you.
Battling, bartering, Fearless cries.
Time fades, new dawn breaks
life and death collide.
Everything is fake
and from it all I hide.
Deaths dealer at my door
more afraid than not.
Life is just a whore,
bound in tepid rot.
Deep inside the caverns gloom
the angels do not reach
My life no more in Bloom
I've nothing left to teach.
Dieing inside, more each day
Cry havoc on the wind.
Help me God, Oh lord I pray
this humble life to mend.
Stars die out, Suns fade
and all in tune we float.
In this lifes parade
a grounded sinking boat.
Have faith in those you love
Have faith in those you hate.
Have faith in God above.
Have faith, in your lifes mate.
The Winter of life, comes ever near
The sun will soon go down.
When that time comes, will it be you
who dies wearing a frown?
I say again,
What I said before.
Death is nothing,
but a waiting door.
Time draws closer, times is up.
We all know what to do.
Know in your heart of hearts
I always loved you.
Two darkened souls they met
on lonely moon filled road.
And stories they begat,
the greatest ever told.
Two poets hearts,
That beat as one.
Mercilessly morose,
in morbid monotone.
Two darkened souls they kissed
like no one ever had.
and deep inside found solace missed.
And good times out of bad.
Two poets hands,
that write as one.
Mercilessly Morose
in morbid monotone.
Two darkened souls they touched.
and the world stood still.
Yet deep inside their soul, they loved
Like no other ever will.
Two poets hearts combine,
music wrote as one.
Mercilessly Morose
in morbid monotone.
Two Darkened souls they part
as so many do.
Never knowing from the start
the picture fate had drew.
Two poets go away,
music there was none.
Mercilessly Morose,
no morbid monotone.
on lonely moon filled road.
And stories they begat,
the greatest ever told.
Two poets hearts,
That beat as one.
Mercilessly morose,
in morbid monotone.
Two darkened souls they kissed
like no one ever had.
and deep inside found solace missed.
And good times out of bad.
Two poets hands,
that write as one.
Mercilessly Morose
in morbid monotone.
Two darkened souls they touched.
and the world stood still.
Yet deep inside their soul, they loved
Like no other ever will.
Two poets hearts combine,
music wrote as one.
Mercilessly Morose
in morbid monotone.
Two Darkened souls they part
as so many do.
Never knowing from the start
the picture fate had drew.
Two poets go away,
music there was none.
Mercilessly Morose,
no morbid monotone.
Lithe fingers touching keyboards spent,
dire need, to now repent.
Hatred, all around me finds,
the deepest recess of my mind.
Some how the same, where' ere I go.
broken, diseased, and unhwole.
Images lost, in hopless times.
passionate voices, evil crimes.
Not the man, I thought I was.
not the leader of rightous cause.
Not someone above reproach.
little more than a cockroach.
The stage is set, or so they say
we all must live, in lifes parade.
I wonder sometimes, if I can.
ever be that type of man.
Alistier Croweley, though hated be,
had more impact, than me.
Followers, following, Lemmings to death
I inhale a weezing breath.
Lost alone, and so confused.
there was a time, I'd run to you.
Now I have no, ideal rote,
I slip a noose around my throat.
No more to say, no more to do.
I was known but to a few.
Falling fast, and falling faster.
into lifes great disaster.
Echoeing hatred, in this form,
I am broken, tattered, torn
dire need, to now repent.
Hatred, all around me finds,
the deepest recess of my mind.
Some how the same, where' ere I go.
broken, diseased, and unhwole.
Images lost, in hopless times.
passionate voices, evil crimes.
Not the man, I thought I was.
not the leader of rightous cause.
Not someone above reproach.
little more than a cockroach.
The stage is set, or so they say
we all must live, in lifes parade.
I wonder sometimes, if I can.
ever be that type of man.
Alistier Croweley, though hated be,
had more impact, than me.
Followers, following, Lemmings to death
I inhale a weezing breath.
Lost alone, and so confused.
there was a time, I'd run to you.
Now I have no, ideal rote,
I slip a noose around my throat.
No more to say, no more to do.
I was known but to a few.
Falling fast, and falling faster.
into lifes great disaster.
Echoeing hatred, in this form,
I am broken, tattered, torn
One fate, and yet a hearty throe,
one life devoid of sustanence-woe.
One death accustomed--Eternal fate.
One broken heart that will not wait.
One subdueing, graceful thrust,
destrotys the virgins lust.
One tiny cell, began it all.
One from grace-to Hell- did fall.
One race to destroy, all the earth,
one soul to question, what it's worth.
One kindred spirit, full of fear.
one solitary moment and one last tear.
one life devoid of sustanence-woe.
One death accustomed--Eternal fate.
One broken heart that will not wait.
One subdueing, graceful thrust,
destrotys the virgins lust.
One tiny cell, began it all.
One from grace-to Hell- did fall.
One race to destroy, all the earth,
one soul to question, what it's worth.
One kindred spirit, full of fear.
one solitary moment and one last tear.
Morbid Solitude
The skies of blue
fade to black.
I've gone to far,
I can't go back.
Life and death colide,
in mortal fortitude.
I am left alone,
in morbid solitude.
Hatred subdes,
my sanity.
Darkness steals,
Alas it's dawn,
my final breath.
Blood from my wrists,
I fall to death.
fade to black.
I've gone to far,
I can't go back.
Life and death colide,
in mortal fortitude.
I am left alone,
in morbid solitude.
Hatred subdes,
my sanity.
Darkness steals,
Alas it's dawn,
my final breath.
Blood from my wrists,
I fall to death.
Have I ever told you
Have I ever told you I killed a man? No, I did. I destroyed his soul, and watched as his wrists bled with the putrid red liquid he preferred to call blood, but he was a freak. There was no blood in him.
Have I ever told you I killed a man? I laughed as he slid the razor through the bits of milky white flesh of his wrists. I mocked and jested at him. As the liquid that gave him life, oozed out of his pores.
Have I ever told you I killed a man? I took away what little life and love he thought he had. I took away my friendship and watched him destroy himself. I took away the light in his life, and destroyed the very fibre of his being.
Have I ever told you I killed a man? I looked deep into his soul, and picked the one thing about him that was not correct in his mind. I used that weakness against him, I destroyed every part of his being.
Have I ever told you I killed a man? He cried, the tears salty, and wet as they oozed down crimson laiden cheeks. I watched him, as the very last vestige of humanity oozed from within him. I watched his cerulean eyes turn black as coal, I watched him die.
Have I ever told you I killed a man? No, perhaps that would be because the man I killed was me.
Have I ever told you I killed a man? I laughed as he slid the razor through the bits of milky white flesh of his wrists. I mocked and jested at him. As the liquid that gave him life, oozed out of his pores.
Have I ever told you I killed a man? I took away what little life and love he thought he had. I took away my friendship and watched him destroy himself. I took away the light in his life, and destroyed the very fibre of his being.
Have I ever told you I killed a man? I looked deep into his soul, and picked the one thing about him that was not correct in his mind. I used that weakness against him, I destroyed every part of his being.
Have I ever told you I killed a man? He cried, the tears salty, and wet as they oozed down crimson laiden cheeks. I watched him, as the very last vestige of humanity oozed from within him. I watched his cerulean eyes turn black as coal, I watched him die.
Have I ever told you I killed a man? No, perhaps that would be because the man I killed was me.
Le Sigh
A blackened heart, burned once more.
Ignoring truth the final scar.
Bloody arms decend to side.
I try to fight when I should hide.
My testament my vow, a simple tear.
I never should've forgotten fear.
Never trust, they always say
a truth so proven, day to day.
Give up on hope, and you will win.
I am at that place again.
Cold hatred replaces, pain inside.
no one within, to confide.
Deep below I hide the pain.
The hurt I let find me again.
Darkness steals my soul
I am left unwhole.
Time away, within without
Filled with lonliness and doubt.
Once again I bend and cry.
Always wondering why.
I let myself trust again.
Trust- The greatest of our sins.
Fare thee well, those who traverse
this path of life, and rhyming verse.
Fare thee well, who called me friend.
It all comes back in the end.
Fare thee well, those who scorn.
because of ragged clothes I've worn.
Fare thee well, all who know.
The deepest darkness, of my soul.
Ignoring truth the final scar.
Bloody arms decend to side.
I try to fight when I should hide.
My testament my vow, a simple tear.
I never should've forgotten fear.
Never trust, they always say
a truth so proven, day to day.
Give up on hope, and you will win.
I am at that place again.
Cold hatred replaces, pain inside.
no one within, to confide.
Deep below I hide the pain.
The hurt I let find me again.
Darkness steals my soul
I am left unwhole.
Time away, within without
Filled with lonliness and doubt.
Once again I bend and cry.
Always wondering why.
I let myself trust again.
Trust- The greatest of our sins.
Fare thee well, those who traverse
this path of life, and rhyming verse.
Fare thee well, who called me friend.
It all comes back in the end.
Fare thee well, those who scorn.
because of ragged clothes I've worn.
Fare thee well, all who know.
The deepest darkness, of my soul.
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