Ligeia wrote:are we there yet?
at this point in my life i can honestly say i dont believe in having any ultimate destination during life at all. things happen, some are supposed to, others just do, others just dont, others just were not supposed to happen.
for us to be there yet, it requires a location to insert into there.
think of it as a variable.
there can equal anything.
there = warm place in the sun where we are all happy and shit works out
there = finite location of destination, insert your own.
even having a there to seek is a misnomer of terms because humans are so fucking fickle and change their mind over..........EVERYTHING constantly
the only constants in life we dont like to observe, and are not really a location (death, taxes, the government lying to you, people leaving)
a there would require some kind of constant location we can achieve. we really cannot ever achieve it because what happens when we are there? we pick the next destination.
example B:
i wanna go to the club! :: arrive at club :: meet people :: plan weekend following.
hella lot good being there did, you just planned the next there. or timed work the next day. or a ride home. ect.
the only definite location i have in my life is the toliet if im too drunk... lol. we can all agree on that one, but for humor sakes only.
existentalist would say that life is meaningless and we are all gonna die, but is that so bad? i agree to a point. but it seems the hope of a there between here and then drives us to arrive somewhere. so if the equation reads in their favor, there = death.
conversely, we are there... we are always forfilling something, but we are never we want to be/ couild be / i could improve this ect ect ect.
so this is a real good "glass half empty half full" question.
in my opinion now that some of my logic is scattered on the page, life is a series of things we wanna do (goals) and places we need to be (destinations, henceforth called "there"). with all of our failures to try to achieve there and the goals between, we seldomly ever take the time to appreciate the ride to there, we never just accept the possibility of no there or us not reaching there. so it seems the best course of action to say "im there im comparison to a certain point in my life where shit was alot worse. in comparsion id call this being there", the journey to there seems to be the only real enjoyment we can get out of life, then we can really milk the shit for all its worth in hopes that when we get there, this will be a chance we took on the way, another story to tell, another **fill in your scenario here**.
life is so fucked up the chances of ever arriving there are damn near impossible, but in the long run, i think its a matter of selection one of the following options:
A) im always there in comparison to something else
b) ill never be there
c) fuck there. if i get there ill get there. when i get there, ill just find another there, so ill just exist on the journey to there, give a big fuck you along the way if i dont get there, and find a new there when i get there.
ill take A to an extent and shove it in my answer as an esacpe clause.
FUCK B. too fucking whiny for me.
i choose C. that seems the most plausible to me.
if i ever get there, ill probably piss on it. or fuck it up. and so shall we all. grass is always greener and all that.
i figure ill find there on my way to some other there. and then ill find another there to seek, and find there along the way then. isnt that how it usually happens? how many people go achieve that THERE!!! they seek and enjoy it or stay there. id rather discover it by accident and enjoy it till i leave.
excuse my bad spelling im barely alive right now. hope this made sense as i tried to show as many sides to the answer as possible before giving my opinion, i imagine everyone has (or should have) a semi-unique answer based out of logic pending a style of this, mabye just without the fucked up way i process shit..............