Hey iblis! *WARNING: Contains an iblis link*

forum for those that like conversation so mindless that their braincells pop like a confetti bomb at a strippers birthday party

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Post by iblis »

The Stormstress wrote:Actually, on some sites u can set ur own rates, and, generally, make about 50% of the total per minute charge... unless u'r signed uder an agent, who, generally, takes about an additional 15-25% of the per minute charge... it's quite profitable if u have the proper mind set & perfomance skills... & there's $ out there 4 ALL looks & body types!

i know there are sites and deals that let you make more; i've worked with them before. it's a very lucrative business for all parties. kind of gross at times, but profitable nonetheless.

however, the two dollars per minute that i had mentioned wasn't for performing, unless you consider sitting naked, and talking on the internet to be performing.

it's pretty much what i'm doing right now, sans clothing.

i'm not certain why someone would put up money to see that, but they do, and that's all that really matters.
If carpenters made buildings the way programmers make programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy all of civilization. — Anonymous
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Post by iblis »

JaNell wrote:Actually, iblis, I orginally found that pic at a greeting card company who was looking for graphic artists, so if you're looking for a side job...


that would be cool, except that my name shouldn't even be in the same sentence as "artist". especially not a professional one. ):

and i'm not being modest; outside of the occasional, juvenile photochopping, i really don't know squat about art.

just not my area.
If carpenters made buildings the way programmers make programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy all of civilization. — Anonymous
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Post by Hardcoregirl »

There are SO many degrees between the first pic JaNell shared and the ones that faeriegirl posted.

You can be grossly skinny or obese...I don't think anyone on the board is that skinny or obese.

I like scrawny bois...I don't know why...and scrawny bois seem to like me, so it's all good. :D

Girls, on the other hand...I like them with some meat...just personal preference...

I'm sure there is someone for every level of the spectrum that thinks x person is attractive...so what the hell does it really matter?
"Oh no. Please don't antagonize hardcoregirl. We'll all regret it." -DarkVader
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Post by JaNell »

Preach on, sista!
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Post by iblis »

i like women with meat on them. and by meat i mean muscle. not like, "conan the barbarian" / raiders linebacker muscle, but with substance to them.

this is primarily because one doesn't have to worry about accidentally hurting them when things get exciting; but yeah, it does look a hell of a lot better, as well.

like butterschnapps said, this is a matter of personal preference.

kind of like beer. someone might say, "well michelob ultra tastes great", and though they're inherently wrong, i have to give them the right to their own opinion, however misguided it may be.

you're one sick bastard, you michelob ultra drinking hussy.
If carpenters made buildings the way programmers make programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy all of civilization. — Anonymous
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Post by JaNell »

All kinds of women are beautiful, but I truly, truly don't ever want to see visible ribs above the nipple line (front or back), elbows wider than the upper arm, knees wider than any part of the thigh, or jutting hip bones.
Naturally slim people don't come that way - they may weigh the same, but if it's natural slimness, there will be a slight layer of fat. All that hip bone jut is the result of malnutrition, or someone starving themselves to be a non-threatening little girl again - to me it screams "Help Me! I hate myself! I want to die!" and you just know they were molested or brutalized somehow for being female...

The Stormstress
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Post by The Stormstress »

iblis wrote:
The Stormstress wrote:Actually, on some sites u can set ur own rates, and, generally, make about 50% of the total per minute charge... unless u'r signed uder an agent, who, generally, takes about an additional 15-25% of the per minute charge... it's quite profitable if u have the proper mind set & perfomance skills... & there's $ out there 4 ALL looks & body types!

i know there are sites and deals that let you make more; i've worked with them before. it's a very lucrative business for all parties. kind of gross at times, but profitable nonetheless.

however, the two dollars per minute that i had mentioned wasn't for performing, unless you consider sitting naked, and talking on the internet to be performing.

it's pretty much what i'm doing right now, sans clothing.

i'm not certain why someone would put up money to see that, but they do, and that's all that really matters.

Ummm, ok...just sittin' there, huh... perhaps, that explains th' only $2 & not more...

N my experience, sex, toyz, fetish & role-play, and such r th' real sellers on most all adult webcam sites... & man does th' freaky ever come outta th' peeps paying (since they r typing &/or phone chatting n anonymity)!!!
If u r such a vamp, then bite me, bitch! :twisted:
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