gwenhwyfar wrote:what do i wanna be when i grow up?
a good lay with enough cash to pay the bills. occupations change too much, dont set a target set a field with multiple jobs in it. then your bills are paid, become a good lay (if your not already, most people think they are and suck... lol) to relieve stress, this way you can spend the rest of your time doing the things you enjoy, learning, evolving, ect ect ect...
why do i always have a headache?
tell the midget to stop skullfucking you
possible reasons:
bloodsugar, sinuses, atmospheric pressure, allergires, midgets
why, when i have the ability and knowledge to type properly( asdf jkl;) do i choose to peck?( i type like old people make love)
because most people do. its situational learning that forms habitual typing patterns.
and will my dog ever get her girlish figure back?
no. probably not. unless you get it a GNC gold card and a membership to a local gym and convince her shes gotta work that booty off.....