You, know when some thing bad is about to happen to you. For one second right before I was hit by a two ton truck, there was this feeling of an over calming peace that came over me right before I was knocked across three lanes of traffic. It was really a strange feeling I have been in several accidents with in that last year, and in every accident this calming peace appears right before I get the shit, knocked out of me, and my car. Nevertheless, this is by far the most damage I have ever received to my car in all of the accidents I have been in. It just makes you stop, and think about, how in one instance your whole life can change in the blink of an eye. Moreover, how damn lucky I was. It just really makes me stop and think about all the little things I have taken for granted lately! I guess I just had a wild accident. May be I am just rambling to be rambling!

All, I can compare, it too is when my mother almost died from a major heart attack, and I remember seeing her in the hospital, all hooked up to those machines, and all I could do is stand there like a dear stuck in the head light’s of an on coming car. You, do not know what is going to happen. It was out of my hands, all I could do is pry, and hope that every thing would be all right. It is freaky what death; life and love can do to you when you least expect it! Nevertheless, has this every happened to any one else.