The Rusted Face of God

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The Rusted Face of God

Post by spookwhore »

Hey kids,

This is basically a census that some of you may have read elsewhere, though few have responded to. There are now four points to be made & I am looking for all the help I can get. kamikaze & I are starting an Industrial band, & I am looking for input.

1.) Trying to find out how many people would show up for an Industrial show in Knoxville. Since I don't know of any REAL Industial bands from here, I don't have a point of referance.

2.) We need SMBD extras for some shows. Any voluteers?...

3.) Looking for a guitarist & a bassist...

4.) Still haven't found the perfect band name, so tell us your ideas.

All opinions, suggestions, & info are welcome. As always some more than others, but welcome none the less. Shows dates are still undecided, but a website will be up soon w/ that info. Thanx.
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Post by The Fallen »

A band name hmm...
How bout Knickers in a Bind...:mrgreen:
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Post by Nemesis »

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Post by Arkady »

Do you already have materal together (Beats - Vocals - Whatever)? If so, I would be happy to try out for the guitar position.
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Post by revrin »

For a band name how about "Bound Lies"??
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Post by junkie christ »

Arkady wrote:Do you already have materal together (Beats - Vocals - Whatever)? If so, I would be happy to try out for the guitar position.

if we ever get shit working again, your still welcome to play with us anytime. :dup: [lost practice space.... any ideas for a new one would help us sooooo much... lol]
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Post by junkie christ »

what kind of music do you want to do and ill give some feedback for a bandname. be specific...
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Post by Codeine Coma »

Band name recomendations = "Pig's spleen" You could really add alot of room to your stage performance with this name.
"Metallic Christ and the rusted nails"
"Pain of the Union"
"Cemetary Strip Beats"
"Synthetic Rust"

Anyways....Good luck on the scene!
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Post by Codeine Coma »

Oh yeah...
Yes,I would attempt to go to a good Industrial show in Knoxville.
No,I really don't know any good Industrial bands here.
I play guitar.....But,I am a bit of a pain in most people's arses.

Oh yeah....Junkie Christ.....I still will have practice space soon. I kinda already do if needed. But,soon I will have a much bigger area to play in.
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Post by junkie christ »

Codeine Coma wrote:Oh yeah....Junkie Christ.....I still will have practice space soon. I kinda already do if needed. But,soon I will have a much bigger area to play in.

i just sent you a pm trying to get in chat ironicly enough
i added you to my aim, ill try to talk to you about it there sometime... or in pm. keep me posted
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Post by spookwhore »

Arkady e-mail me & we'll talk about ideas. You may or may not be interested in joining afterwards. Lot's of blues guitar riffs. If any of you are wonder "what the hell", I guess you'll just have to hear it. To alls ya, thanx for the input!!!!:fire:
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Post by Arkady »

spookwhore wrote:Arkady e-mail me & we'll talk about ideas. You may or may not be interested in joining afterwards. Lot's of blues guitar riffs. If any of you are wonder "what the hell", I guess you'll just have to hear it. To alls ya, thanx for the input!!!!:fire:

Blues is good. I can do blues.

Just so I am clear, I am a musician for hire at this point. I am looking to pay some of my bills off through gigging this winter. Basically that means that I won't be taking a leading role in any new projects. I'll just playing what needs to be played and performing.

I have my own project as well that I will soon be looking to fill positions for. It's kind of a Industrial Psychedelic-Synthpop thing. The only other member of the project at the moment is Bone. I will be looking to get a drummer, bassist, and guitarist.

I'll shoot you a email shortly.
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Post by junkie christ »

Arkady wrote:Blues is good. I can do blues.

Just so I am clear, I am a musician for hire at this point. I am looking to pay some of my bills off through gigging this winter. Basically that means that I won't be taking a leading role in any new projects. I'll just playing what needs to be played and performing.

I have my own project as well that I will soon be looking to fill positions for. It's kind of a Industrial Psychedelic-Synthpop thing. The only other member of the project at the moment is Bone. I will be looking to get a drummer, bassist, and guitarist.

I'll shoot you a email shortly.

if you need to fill any postitions for your thing and the timing matches, ill be glad to fill in any instrumetns i can.

same to spookwhore.
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Post by spookwhore »

Arkady, That sounds ok, but I'm not to sure if I want anyone who isn't in this for the long haul. Not that I wouldn't be interested in you doing an audition though. If you're what we are looking for maybe you can help us (Karmakaze & I) record. That way you still gets moneys. Also, the industrial-psychedelic-synthpop band is a really good idea. If you need a guitarist, I play. Plus I have a bassist for that stuff. We tryed to start the same damn thing only minus the synthpop.
Junkie Christ, you play bass?
One last thing to mention...Really I am more looking for a female bassist & guitarist, so as to add more to the background vocals. Between Drake, Raab, KK, & myself we have bass & baritone vox down. I really need soprano, alto, & tenor for back-up as well. But when it gets down to it I need a guitars & bass more than back-up vox, so...
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Post by junkie christ »

spookwhore wrote:Junkie Christ, you play bass?

i play guitar better than most people in the state, so yea bass wouldnt be an issue. and i own one anyway but its for my band and tuned do the_g0ne's tuning so an alternate bass would be
but yea. if you need bass, pm me.
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Post by Liliana »

I'll volunteer in a heartbeat!! I like BDSM alot and even have some stuff of my own. I love this music and will do anything that I can. PM me for more info.
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Post by Liliana »

oh and I play the flute and stuff
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Post by Arkady »

spookwhore wrote:Arkady, That sounds ok, but I'm not to sure if I want anyone who isn't in this for the long haul. Not that I wouldn't be interested in you doing an audition though. If you're what we are looking for maybe you can help us (Karmakaze & I) record. That way you still gets moneys.

Trust me, if I am involved, it will be for the long haul. I am just setting up a buffer zone here. The deal is I can not afford to waste time with a garage band. I'm looking to help with bands that really want to become professional (see working) musicians.

Part of that is having at least 45 minutes worth of music mostly worked out. Once you have that done, then you start scouting musicians to be in the band. After that you give them what you have done so far and let them learn the material before you ever have your first practice. That way they can figure out roughly what they are going to play. After that, it should only take about a month to get a working set going and be ready to play your first gig.

The main thing is I will only work with people that are truly motivated and self starters. I have a lot of resources and skills to contribute to a group that fits the mold.

spookwhore wrote:Also, the industrial-psychedelic-synthpop band is a really good idea. If you need a guitarist, I play. Plus I have a bassist for that stuff. We tryed to start the same damn thing only minus the synthpop.

Well, the synthpop thing isn't really acurate. In reality I say that because I tend to write anthems that have a hard hitting hook to them. I believe Bone can vouch for that. Anyway, sometimes, they have a kind of SP feel even though they are really not.

As far as shareing talents, I am all for it. I have always wanted to help start a kind of Pigface type group of musicians that all had projects going at the same time. In that respect, you can instantly create a new "scene" by using your combined power and unity.

spookwhore wrote:One last thing to mention...Really I am more looking for a female bassist & guitarist, so as to add more to the background vocals. Between Drake, Raab, KK, & myself we have bass & baritone vox down. I really need soprano, alto, & tenor for back-up as well. But when it gets down to it I need a guitars & bass more than back-up vox, so...

Well, you can cheat this problem in various ways until you can afford the back up singers. Remember, the more core musicians you have in the band, the less everyone get's paid. Starting put, this is a big issue because you will be on a shoe string budget.

I have an idea, Let's all set a date to get together and discuss this stuff. If you are really wanting to do the things you have mentioned, we may be on to something.

BTW, I don't just play guitar. ;)
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Re: The Rusted Face of God

Post by The Stormstress »

spookwhore wrote:Hey kids,

2.) We need SMBD extras for some shows. Any voluteers?...

:domme: PM me when u have detailz!
If u r such a vamp, then bite me, bitch! :twisted:
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Post by junkie christ »

Arkady wrote:[As far as shareing talents, I am all for it. I have always wanted to help start a kind of Pigface type group of musicians that all had projects going at the same time. In that respect, you can instantly create a new "scene" by using your combined power and unity.

thats EXACTLY the type of thing ive been trying to do for about 3 years now. if people would commit it would work..........
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