After too many years of living with a hideous nickname, I have decided to find a new name for my pussy. Having little to no imagination, I must ask the good (and not-so-good) citizens of KnoxGothic to help...
Personally, I have come up with...
Puss-OW! (for those...cranky days...) Pussois (Puss-wah) (the French terminology) Pussita
See, my ideas just suck.
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Well not to be not vulgar, mine doesn't have a name and will never have a name. . . but lets see.
How about. . .
Mona Lisa?
Rufus is widely regarded as the meanest dog employed by the State Department since Bocephalus, a hard-on of a coon hound who was, by all accounts, crazier than possum fuck.
hmmm.... ya seem to like keeping the root word of it as pussy, and going multi-lingual so.......
chaton érotique
*runs and hides again*
"The fewer the words, the greater the importance. I love you. Three words. Goodbye. One word. Tinier even than I am, but with such power, such importance.." ~ Trifle
Doesn't "The Nest" sound sexy? Or "The Hive"? Hows about "Mitten the Kitten", with the sub title "Won't you Warm Your Hand(/s) in the Mitten?" How about the "Ark of the Covenant." (if you open it your face melts off like in Raiders)?
How about "Chuff"?
How about all these?!
euphemistic, roughly from more positive/enchanted garden to more negative/vulgar
.mound of womanhood (or Venus), handful of woman, womanhood; vague, often appreciative, equations of vulvas and vaginas to femininity in general
.flower, fruit, bud, rose, cherry; other frilly, lush or fertile plant matter
.conch, orchid; other structurally layered or complex plant or animal
.friend, sister, aunt; other amicable or feminine persona
.center, heart, source; especially of femininity, fertility or sexuality
.twat, cooter, cooch, hoo; nonsense words specific to femme genitals
vulgar or melodramatic
.rattlesnake canyon, wizard's sleeve, y-clef, etc etc; all the goofy schoolyard (and rap song) monikers that play up the nature of the beast rather than play it down.
Rufus is widely regarded as the meanest dog employed by the State Department since Bocephalus, a hard-on of a coon hound who was, by all accounts, crazier than possum fuck.
Nexxus23 wrote:Wow. And I thought I had too much time on my hands...
Thanks, Vegan. And btw, I think you really need a hobby...
Well. . . slow day at work + internet connection = lots of spare time + not being able to leave + ability to look up vaginal pseudonyms + pay!!!!
My hobby involves looking up things I probably shouldn't at work and sitting here. . . alone.
Rufus is widely regarded as the meanest dog employed by the State Department since Bocephalus, a hard-on of a coon hound who was, by all accounts, crazier than possum fuck.
only rhyme type thing i could come up with at 6 in the morning to get ya back for "squishy fishy."
"The fewer the words, the greater the importance. I love you. Three words. Goodbye. One word. Tinier even than I am, but with such power, such importance.." ~ Trifle