miz kitty wrote:My favorite...it's the champagne of beers you know!
yea but when you say the statement of the "champagne of beers", you gotta pronounce it like christopher walkens character from SNL the continental.... think about it.
its my fav beer right now as well
i just bought an 18 because of this thread...
Guinness is the only beer I'll drink, with the exception of emergencies.
Emergencies being when I feel I have to drink something, in order to not murder someone. Of course, in situations such as those, it's quite often that the "bitter beer effect" takes the fight right the fuck out of me.
If carpenters made buildings the way programmers make programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy all of civilization. Anonymous
Guiness is the best top shelf beer ever...cept for arogant bastard ale maybe.....working class brews though...high life has taken the place of my beloved southpaw and thats saying alot since ive been drinking paw for seven years now....so lets get the high life back on top....Im calling for every drunk out there to aid me and junkie in this quest...consume as much high life as humanly possible....so...WHOS WITH ME!
words or phrases that rhyme with high life...
barney fife
bloody knife
any others?
(sorry old crow(yay surly bird) some of the time will make me rhyme)
We werent the nice boys they thought we were..we arent nice boys..we were fuckin nasty little bastards...and we still are...Sid Vicious
bloody knife suits me fine.
if me and joe consumed any more highlife per capita we would get stock options.
we always need more people to prove that (esp if we are together) we are immune.
last night was a good example (going to bed at 600am because we just gave up on trying)...
but you can shove that old crow up your ass man. you finally found a whiskey im like FUCK YOU to. lol.