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Post by Onibubba »

I don't watch every vampire movie that comes straight to video - Who'd have the time? But I do try to watch every werewolf movie in the hopes that someone will someday get it right.

Despite all the bad press, I was still holding out for Cursed. Here's what you need to know: Rent the uncut edition as 2 of the gore scenes are over the top great. The movie could have used a lot more of that. The werewolf design is appropriate, but is done as both MAN IN SUIT and CGI. The 2 do not match up very well. The CGI gets almost cartoony at times.

The plot is lame. A good werewolf movie just needs to be an R rated Jaws on land. Why is this idea so hard for people to accept? A big badass werewolf on the prowel that needs to be put down. Lots of gore and, for once please, a well done, kickass werewolf.

RENT, Do not buy!

Great werewolf movies: American Werewolf in London, Curse of the Werewolf. the Wolf Man, Wolf

Good werewolf movies: Ginger Snaps trilogy, Dog Soldiers

Crap werewolf movies: The rest of them :roll:
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Aerick Ravenheart
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Post by Aerick Ravenheart »

I comply and agree with Onibubba 100% on this movie. It is very cheesy in a lot of scenes, but does have some wicked kewl gore, and the wolf a a maninsuit is better than the Cgi bullshit, which looked like something from 10 years ago. Real life wolvage is better in a horror movie than a Van Helsing type wolf. And when the wolf flips the bird, it is stupid as hell. Rent don't buy. ....I didn't care for Wolf, but The Howling is decent, (kewl wolf metamorphs)....but my favorite werewolf movie (which didn't use ANY CGI) and has a good storyline, hot chicks(my fave Katharine Isabelle), and good acting with less cheesiness more blood, is GINGER SNAPS, buy it if you like good werewolf films...nuff sed.
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