*I didn't write the following*
Blast Slayer in your car...
Blast Slayer in your home or other personal living area...
Blast Slayer at school...
Blast Slayer at work...
Blast Slayer on the toilet...
Wear your Slayer T-shirt on National Day of Slayer.
Scream SLLLAAAAYYYEEERRRRRR!!!! To those random individuals of whom look like they need to be Slayerfied.
Kill your neighbor's annoying cat and blame it on Slayer.
No headphones....just very loud Slayer.
Blast Angel of Death outside your local temple.
Do not watch the weather channel for we all know that it will be Raining Blood on National Slayer Day.
And last but not least make sure you have your ticket for Slayer's Unholy Alliance tour. Everyone have a great month preparing for Metal's biggest holiday.