Buttercup wrote:I guess its easier to sort of get funneled into a group so people have some idea of what things you are into. I don't really know any of us that are "all goth all the time."
"Goth all the time" would be boring as Hell.
But re: labels, that's why "PerkyGoth" (ShadowDancer, ToriBat) and "NotAGoth" or "TokenHiHopBoy" (Spam) exist...
ShadowDancer defined my Goth aspect as "QuirkyGoth" one night at Tonic.
I look at these things as descriptors - like, "brown hair, brown eyes" - which people use omfortably even if "brown hair" doesn't cover the wide range of brown-gold-red tones in my hair, or "brown eyes" fully explain that they're almost black, usually, but sometimes a very soft red-brown...
It's simply short hand.
I know how complex and varied I am, so I'm not threatened by the generalization of "Goth". If a person doesn't see more than that - and it's a very small part of my life - then
they are shorting themselves, and prolly not worth my time.
I'm JaNell, and that's a lot of differant things.